With their sights set on Magnagun, the crew sets up a trap to reclaim the Eye of Aeshma from Agent Rupitna.
Find us on Twitter @UncannyValleyShow and Saving Throw @SavingThrowShow or chat with us on Discord. (https://discord.gg/ydfQdnx).
Special thanks to Purple Planet Music, Lobo Loca, and Daniel Birch.
Seeking help with taking down the St. Vincent vampires, the Cast attempts to recruit the local werewolf pack to their cause. Find us on...
With his back against a wall, the Cast reluctantly leads Rupitna to the Eye of Aeshma. With his body and soul in the balance,...
Back on set, the Cast films their investigation of an Old West Museum in St. Louis, Missouri. Find us on Twitter @UncannyValleyShow and Saving...